Respighi: Church Windows, P. 150 & Poema autunnale, P. 146
Respighi: Church Windows, P. 150 & Poema autunnale, P. 146 (12 years)


  • Release day: Thursday, March 01, 2012

Respighi: Church Windows, P. 150 & Poema autunnale, P. 146 12 years old


Ruggiero Ricci This album released 0 years after his death. He was 94 years old when he died.
Ottorino Respighi This album released 75 years after his death. He was 56 years old when he died.
# Song Play
1 Vetrate di chiesa, P. 150 "Church Windows": I. La fuga in Egitto (The Flight into Egypt) by Ottorino RespighiPacific Symphony OrchestraKeith Clark Duration: 08:01
2 Vetrate di chiesa, P. 150 "Church Windows": II. San Michele Arcangelo (St. Michael Archangel) by Ottorino RespighiPacific Symphony OrchestraKeith Clark Duration: 06:31
3 Vetrate di chiesa, P. 150 "Church Windows": III. Il Mattutino di Santa Chiara (The Matins of St. Clare) by Ottorino RespighiPacific Symphony OrchestraKeith Clark Duration: 05:30
4 Vetrate di chiesa, P. 150 "Church Windows": IV. San Gregorio Magno (St. Gregory the Great) by Ottorino RespighiPacific Symphony OrchestraKeith Clark Duration: 09:45
5 Poema autunnale, Op. 146 by Ottorino RespighiRuggiero RicciPacific Symphony OrchestraKeith Clark Duration: 15:03