Purcell: How Pleasant 'tis to Love!
Purcell: How Pleasant 'tis to Love! (11 years)


  • Release day: Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Purcell: How Pleasant 'tis to Love! 11 years old


Henry Purcell This album released 317 years after his death. He was 36 years old when he died.
Nicolas Achten When album released, He was 27, now 38 years old
# Song Play
1 Sound the Trumpet by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Reinoud Van Mechelen, Justin Glaie, Simon Linné, Solmund Nystabakk Duration: 02:23
2 Ah! How Pleasant 'tis to Love! by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Reinoud Van Mechelen, Justin Glaie, Simon Linné, Solmund Nystabakk, Lambert Colson Duration: 02:04
3 O Solitude! by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Justin Glaie, Simon Linné, Solmund Nystabakk Duration: 05:33
4 Almand in D Minor by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten Duration: 04:36
5 Still I'm Whishing by Henry Purcell, Scherzi Musicali Duration: 02:45
6 Seek Not to Know by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Justin Glaie, Simon Linné, Solmund Nystabakk, Lambert Colson, Laura Pok Duration: 03:48
7 Corant & Hornpipe in D Minor by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Justin Glaie, Simon Linné, Solmund Nystabakk, Lambert Colson, Laura Pok Duration: 02:07
8 Musick for a While by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Justin Glaie, Simon Linné, Solmund Nystabakk Duration: 04:17
9 Sweeter Than Roses by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Reinoud Van Mechelen, Justin Glaie, Simon Linné, Solmund Nystabakk Duration: 02:58
10 A New Ground in E Minor by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Justin Glaie, Simon Linné, Solmund Nystabakk, Lambert Colson, Laura Pok Duration: 02:29
11 'Tis Nature's Voice by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Justin Glaie, Simon Linné Duration: 03:52
12 From Rosie Bow'rs by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Reinoud Van Mechelen, Justin Glaie, Simon Linné, Solmund Nystabakk Duration: 05:31
13 Hornpipe in E Minor by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Justin Glaie, Simon Linné, Solmund Nystabakk, Lambert Colson, Laura Pok Duration: 01:03
14 They Tell Us That You Mighty Powers Above by Henry Purcell, Scherzi Musicali Duration: 04:57
15 Ah! How Happy Are We by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Reinoud Van Mechelen, Justin Glaie, Simon Linné, Solmund Nystabakk Duration: 01:41
16 The Plaint: O Let Me Weep! by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Justin Glaie, Simon Linné, Solmund Nystabakk, Lambert Colson Duration: 06:56
17 A Ground in D Minor by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten Duration: 02:35
18 Roundo in D Minor by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Justin Glaie, Simon Linné, Solmund Nystabakk, Lambert Colson, Laura Pok Duration: 01:39
19 Strike the Viol, Touch the Lute by Henry Purcell, Scherzi Musicali Duration: 02:05
20 Prelude in A Minor by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Simon Linné, Solmund Nystabakk Duration: 00:55
21 In Vain the Am'rous Flute by Henry Purcell, Scherzi Musicali Duration: 04:23
22 An Evening Hymn by Henry Purcell, Nicolas Achten, Justin Glaie, Simon Linné, Solmund Nystabakk, Lambert Colson Duration: 05:06